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by wani bhardwaj on Nov 04, 2007 04:08 PM

I have already told in these columns that India is also going to that way, Pakistan Way, and we can expect a second emergency from UPA Govt. headed by Sonia at any time during the duration of their rule. We have concern about India and incidents occured in India and Indian Politics is so much rotten and the leaders are amassing huge properties and assets not only in India and outside. If Indian Public cannot come forward to change this politicians (whose mantra is only secular - non secular and wants to divide for the vote bank politics, the people of India into religion where as the main communal party as per my analysis is the Indian National Congress). If the corruptions and criminal activities of Indian Politicains cannot be curbed by themselves, then Indian Publics hope is only for SUPREME COURT and when Supreme Court is taking action, these so-called politicians are making such hue and cry that Courts has no duty to ask mend politicians. If such things are happening then the only alternative is either INDIAN MILITARY TAKES THE CHARGES OF INDIA or SUPREME COURT TAKES FIRM DECISION AND STEPS TO SAVE COUNTRY'S DEMOCRACY and POLITICAL SET UP by MAKING EXTRA ORDINARY CHANGES IN THE ELECTION AND POLITICAL PARTIES LAW.

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