my friend Qanda i dont understand what problem you guys have with are telling that muslim have become first class citizens and hindus second class my friend indian muslims have gone more backward then dalits...if anything government tries to do for muslims then there is lot of fuss why this biased the way how much haj subsidy muslims get u have any idea 13 crore its a big joke my friend we dont need huj subsidy, we want justice....sharia law is internal for muslims it doesnt bring any good to us we are not getting anything from indian government by this law its just a muslim way of life to follow things....and by the way even hindu have there own law friend plz for god's sake dont tell RSS is not racist and they are doing any good to hindus they are just political party who wants money and power in the name is religion......muslims always foloowed the supreme court's decison on every matter but the government is biased in implenting it if it is in favour of muslims....for example what happened to sri krishna commission why is it kept aised when eveyrthing came in light..i remember very well the news paper headlines YES BALTHAKEREY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THINGS BUT WHO WILL TAME THE TIGER?? you call this law enforcement???...and for your information all the muslim marriages gets registered with indian law ..i dont know where u got all these crazy information from