MY dear friend OpenEyes... if you would like me to quote you from your religious scriptures i can give you the quotaion for caste system in india....if what ur telling is true why not you solve the problem of dalits by making them all brahmans??? if not there in religion why to follow it.>>>>>>> first questioned replied
RSS is formed on the basis of religious hatered if it is not based on hatered then why do they teach civilians how to fight and make boms???? if i can show you clips from youtube that these RSS leaders teach hatered with other religions what will u do?? in madarsas islamic knowledge is given and ppl are taught good manners u will never see in any madarsas lati chalana bom banana ..this is exclusively owned by RSS & VHP by the way shabana azmi and sharukh khan they have nothing to do with islam as they dont follow any religion...
I dont have any problem with justice system in india but i have concerns over its late and biased implementation