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RE:I have a simple question!!
by RAJ KONA on Nov 04, 2007 07:12 PM

Religion is not a corporation and please dont treat it as such. The problem with some people (like you and others on this board) is that they treat other followers as religious property. It is not so. There is something called free will. All muslims are not the same and neither are all Hindus. Financial factors will govern things. The spread of Islam has a lot to do with oil in the middle east. Think about it. Why is Wahabism (the Saudi brand of Islam) most popular in poor countries. It is because Saudis spend all the money to spread it. The same with Hinduism. Hindu religious institutions and extremist organizations are supported by India and Indians living abroad. Christianity is supported by western capitalism. My theory is that if the economic support of any religion is taken away, it will either vanish or get close to disappearing. It is as simple as that. It has nothing to do with taking care of your ranks, just pure economics.

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