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by nitin misra on Nov 04, 2007 10:27 AM

well done General, I swear I was expecting this to happen and this has happened for all good reasons and for the betterment of the comman man of Pakistan.Your step also goes on to show that democracy is not something it is claimed about, wherein the so called advocates of democracy keep filling in their pockets,goverment servents go on rampage to suck out the blood of commam publiic,poors get poorer and richs and richers averyday that passes by. Finencially weaker section is never secured socially.Democrecy is good if it is in healthy shape.It was sad to see that the chief justice of pakistan was not acting as chief justice but more like a poltician joker. Any way it is good lesson you have tought to the politicians and the judiciery system of pakistan.People in pakistan have been suffering no matter wether it was democracy or military rule. But then why to show the world the drama of democracy? Hope you will bring some much needed discpline particularly amongest the pakistani politicians and in public generallly.

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Experts talk on Pak emergency