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US answer to Karat!!??
by jaison mulerickal on Nov 04, 2007 02:15 AM

I think, it is US answer to Karat.

it's something like either with US or without US.

Now, Pak is under direct control of US - highly unstable and can disturbe India (and its exceptional growth) at any time using a Pak army.

Question of US to Karat: Do you want our Nukes with our 'strategic support'? Or else be surounded by 2 BIG enemies - Militray ruled Pak and China.

China can never be India's 'true' friend in the near future (may b in the long run we may become). Pak under US (or their plans). Do we need US on board or sail alone?


I think, get the nuke project on board (that gives us not only power, but nukes). Have 'strategic relationship' with US, but with respectable distance.

It's going to be a dirty game. US has started it (it's their last resort, as US is getting weaker day by day). We have to tread cautiously. If we are successful, we will benefit 10 times or else be doomed.

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Experts talk on Pak emergency