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RE:Fact about Mr. Nehru
by Loan Shark on Nov 05, 2007 07:04 AM

I do not say that Patel, Bose and Bhagat did not contribute. Bhagat Singh was definitely not a leader .. he acted alone or in a small team, but he did not lead any mass movement.

Sardar and Netaji were great leaders. Netaji was an army defector and so subject to court martial, which I don't expect you to understand. Nehruji didn't make any mistake as Netaji were already dead in a plane crash .... now keep those conspiracy theories on his re-emergence to yourself. Write only what you can prove and backup with a reliable source.

You haven't yet answerred the question of Nehruji's biography. Admit it ... you made up all that stuff. Didn't you?

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