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RE:Fact about Mr. Nehru
by mahender on Nov 05, 2007 07:21 AM

Nehru was a great visionary as far as Science and Technology is concerned(IIT's BARC,ISRO all these institutions are standing monuments of his vision).Being said that Nehru was a bad political visionary...There in no doubt that Patel and Nehru had serioos differences on many issues.Nehru never supported Somnath temple reconstruction.[Source ,go to Sabarmati Gandhi ashram,u will get books on this.].Sacrificing the primeminister post;Patel did it .bcoz Gandhiji requested him to do so..Subash ChandraBose also did the same on Gandhijis words two time.Later he left Congress.

Patel didnot accept Nehrus Chinas policies.If u want to know Patels political vision just read his letter(Source available in Sabarmati Ashram).He writes to Nehru China and India are two big nations who tries to make its impact on Asian region,So there is a natural rift between them.
Patel was more like a capitalist.He was more inclined towards United States.He jeered communist model of socialism.And he proved right in political inclination,when chinese invaded India,Nehru requested Russian support for that;Russioans said India is our friend but chineses are our brothers.Later if US didnot intervened(The Then President Kennedy) Indian would have had a bad fate.
Manyof this is available in a Book Sardar Patel published by Sabarmati Ashram..So u might not worry about aunthenitcity.

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