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RE:Fact about Mr. Nehru
by ravinandanprakash agrawal on Nov 05, 2007 07:22 AM

Rajeev my freind..dont do it. I also believe in the fact "lost causes are the only causes worth fighting for". But your cause is just a lost cause. Its not worth fighting for. Give up my freind. Everyone has read Discovery of India and every one has seen shyam benegal's version. Yes Nehru has claimed that Lord Ram may be just a legend or just a character out of great literarture. Still he has never negated that it could be a full fledged word to word history. I dont care which one is true because I am an athiest and a follower of Lord Ram because he is cool. Wanna quote a great saying by Subhash babu himself "Mythology is a pictorial representation of the philosophies". Enjoy.

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