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by krishna on Nov 05, 2007 07:42 AM

i think Musharraf should be ready with 1000 more such explanations and in near future we can see that he will give scores of examples or references from the past,comparing his actions to lincoln's,nixon's hitler's,....etc.First of all PAKISTAN is a failed state,so one should never be surprised by such development in our freindly brotherly neighbourhood.I only feel for the people of PAKISTAN who according to me are saturated by all these disasters right from 1947.The biggest problem with PAKISTAN had been that it was never stable ,always volatile ,bubling with wierd ideas adopted from somewhere.The reforms there were not the people but for the ARMY.I think the best solution with PAKISTAN would be ,that would have or atlest somehow guarantee better future for the general public is the partition of PAKIATAN into BALOCHISTAN(LONG LIVE THE TIGER BUGTI SAHAB),WAJIRISTAN,PAKISTAN PUNJAB.Atleast then people will receive some benefits .

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Pakistan is learning democracy, says Mus