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Mush decl of emergency is good for India
by Ajay on Nov 05, 2007 06:32 AM

We know why he did it. But to justify to the world and US, he added that he needs to control terrorism as it is getting out of hand. Everybody knows he had no interest in controlling terrorism all this time 8 years he has been there. Now US will make sure that he allows them in and he does their bidding. There are 2 sides to it. The terrorism will also increase as reaction to this one man US puppet rule but hopefully the number of terrorists eliminated from US actions will be large enough. If he had not declared emergency, Bhutto would have let Qadir Khan speak up and all the military wallah skeltons would have come rolling out. There was too much at stake for the Pak military. I bet they promised the US commander who was there on eve on declaration of emergency that they agree to clean up the terrorist mess as a quid pro quo to US and west not making too much noise or create too much problem for him.

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