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RE:What most of you write is stupid.
by kanwar sekhon on May 29, 2007 02:32 PM

oh yes mr Kumar,
i would like to give u the reply. ok i agree that there were people who performed autocraties on tamil people but, those chaps r long gone. the govt. has changed many times. don't u think that the same autoctaties r being performed on peace loving people of sri lanka. dosen't the people of srilanka have any value of their life? why r the tigers killing the ordinary people of srilanka who have done the tigers no harm ? also, u tell me that if the tigers do manage to take over control of srilanka (which is almost impossible), what kind of govt. would they b able to give to the people of srilanka? won't there b any discrimination between the tamils and the ordinary srilankan(i doubt that)? won't they b tempted to take revenge from the ordinary people who had nothing to do with their voilent ways? which country would do business with a country run by a terrorist organisation, who had assinated the pm of a peace loving country like india? what kind of economy will srilanka have? would it b any better than Afganisthan, Zimbabwe, Iraq and Kashmir, and other countries which r being run by dictators? i must say that each day of this voilent struggle is taking srilankan economy backwards by atleast 3-4 weeks. what has the LTTE achieved in all these decades of struggle except disabled people & widows. i would like to know , if they achieved anything else.

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