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!! Great Pakistan !!
by NandaKishore on May 26, 2007 01:13 AM

by Hari Prasad on May 25, 2007 02:08 PM | Hari, plz excuse for adding up a few points to yours.

1.What is the Terror Capital of the world. ?
2.Which country is called 'Petridish' of terrorism ?
3.Where was the 9/11 plan originated.?
4.Which country gives the lowest freedom to women?
5.Which country practices Talibanism in sprit ?
6.Which army in the world never faced victory in their life time?
7. Which country breeds terrorists?
8. & sells terrorists for Cash?
9. Which Country lives on just %u201CAid%u201D (American)?
10. Which Country lives by Democracy through Dictatorship?
11. Which Country leadership lies (Kargil & 1965, 1972) everytime and their people accept it?
12. Which Country Leadership`s serves truly for another country`s Agenda (American)?
13. Which Country`s Chief Justice has to beg of justice of his own?
14. Which Country`s Preamble projects %u201CSafety & Security of Muslims%u201D and massacres its own people (Karachi) and the President express no regret?






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