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RE:Mamata's drama
by Rabri Yadav on May 24, 2007 09:37 PM

Ajoy's view is SHORT SIGHTED!
"VIOLENCE IN NANDIGRAM WAS PERPETRATED BY HER OWN PARTYNEN (READ) GOONS)" - its a short sighted view overlooking numerous misdeeds of CPM dominated left party! In Nandigram, who lighted the matchstick?
Mamata's actions appear as 'drama' BUT the psycho-terror tactics of the RED party in WB in post independence period has WHITEWASHED the established industries,stopping investment prospects in WB out of psycho fears , the working class turned violent,are the sweet dishes out of the rotten stuff,CPM and CPI
imported from the debris of shattering communism
of Europe via China!Communists can't give anything to India, because India has the BEST WISDOM what communists dont bother (congress also), but they speak high of communism! A negative wisdom! Because in GOD's creation good and evil both exist ! So the communists in India are existing and talking loudly!
Singlehandedly, Mamata is trying hard and its not democratic formula of number that how many are telling her 'dramatic"
Comuunists tell lies loudly, shouts wrongs more vociferously,kill anyone inhumanly, takes a bite opportunistically(support from outside in UPA)!
A TRUTH is always a TRUTH !
Mamata is the tip of a spear that will pierce soon! Wait and see !

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Mamata walks out of meeting