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Extremes never work
by Libran on May 19, 2007 10:57 PM

This news aitem is full of nuggets for thoughts.
1. From gluttony to starving is extreme step. It sows the dictatorial style. While I believe in the effciency of dictatorial style, it works only if you have a human touch.

2. Without regard to any other thing, I would say she has the great gift of gab and intellience. To speak extemporaneously to the highest level people for 4 and 1/2 hours really requires oratorial skills, guts, intelligence and confidence. Hats off to The Creator and to some extent to Maya
3. What she says is she does not want to protect any criminals. Only fools would belive this. How on earth her party MLAs are going to recoup the 5 crore they gave for tickets and 5 more they spent for elections? Think about those who contested paying 5 crores and lost. Will they keep quiet? They will try every means possible at least to get back their investment.
4. Finally, Bureaucrts may have to starve during meetings and pee in their pants in Maya's presence, but they can feast on corruption as they did earlier and act like lions in front of common people, provided they know what, how and how much to presnt to Madam on her birthday.

5. Finally, Maya's style seems similar to TN's Jaya's style and she will have the same fortune of in and out of power if she does not fine tune her style.
Any way UP people seem to be stuck with Hobsons choice. One hand Mulayam and on the Other Maya - again this is similar to TN - Jaya and Karuna
Arguably, politically most important states in the north and south repectively. It is unfortunate for India that the people of these states are not supporting slightly less meaner choices of Congress an BJP. -- This is what makes politics interesting. Since my child- hood, I have followed cricket and political arena very closely and I can easily surmise that cricket is very insipid compared to political arena

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Meeting, no eating:Maya's mantra