Yoir views are based on incomplete study of Islam.Go to to others section and read more deeply about their seril attacks on Kafirs and the kind of hatred they have been tought to develop against non muslim. Your study also does not include teh kind of atrocitioes they have committed on humanity. Any try read a little bit of sociology too. How do they behave to non muslims in Muslim dominant places. And read more about strong kings like Shivaji,Rana Pratap,Sikhs, jats etc.
Read a little bit more about how hindus have kept their arms open for all religions like Parsis,Sikhs,Jain,Buddism too.And please note that having seculasr environment has been our strnghth and not aweeknes,
I am not denying that Hindu religion does not have any shortcoming like catseism etc.But try to assess the overall impact and understand the importance of philosfy of a particular religion.