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Tasks ahead
by Surendra Bhargava on May 14, 2007 12:20 PM

We should ignore feet touching, transfer of babus. She should implement her agenda, mainly the following:
a. Improve law & order, particularly in Noida,G Noida, Ghaziabad, UP's face, for her to enter 'Delhi';
b. Time bound completition of pending projects;
c. Optimum utilisation of govt money;
d. Upliftment of economically backward people;
e. Inculcate work culture in the babus, irrespective of caste affiliations;
f. Reducing corruption, starting from top.
2. Lot is expected from Sri Satish Mishra, who, correctly, has not been given any ministerial berth.
3. Keep in mind that transfer and suspension is no remedy.

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Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP