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RE:at last the verdict
by Sudhansu Ghosh on May 14, 2007 09:25 AM

She also requires a hen pecked IAS ( I agree Sir ) secretary to manage the booty already collected from the BSP MLA aspirants by selling tickets before the election to the tune of Rs. 50-60 lackhs per candidate. Rs. 50 lakhs x 402 = 201 Cr.
The candidates who have lost are looser. But candidates who have won have to regain the money. So how much each of them require ?

Rs. 50 lakhs for this election.
Rs. 50x5=250 lakhs for next election after 5 yrs
Rs. 100 laks per month on an average for 60 months = 6000 for daily living.

Total 85 Cr minimum per MLA in 5 yrs. 7 Cr per yr. A small price to pay and Don't count the ministers.

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