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RE:Strengthen the Hands of Congress & BJP !!!
by raghu jhoor on May 14, 2007 09:34 AM

dON'T WORRY U RICH bloke, u & I are no one to judge the working capacity of the likes of Laloos and Mayawatis. they must have something more than u and I otherwise how do u explain them to reach where they are and u & i discussing about them sitting in our comfort zones. u surely don't know anything about UP. Talk to majority of the people in UP and they will tell u that they feel safe & secure in the rule of Mayawati. Who else do you think is better equipped to be the CM of UP. Just wait & watch dude, we'l discuss this when she becomes first CM of UP to complete full 5 years term in office. don't worry rich man the biggest state is in safe hands. the country is progressing because of the Laloos and Mayawatis. Just See UP after 5 years. till than take a chill pill & cool off.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Mayawati's shake-up rattles UP