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RE:maya is leader of dalit
by Anil Uttam Sonawane on May 12, 2007 07:32 PM

Brahmins Dalit = Survival. Today OBC's have everything. Power, Land, Numbers and Money. smaller sections are being harrased and there is no law and order. hence it is wise to have alliance with educated and harmless sections of society i.e. Dalit and Brahmins. Forget what happened in the past. Mayawati has realised this. Let her do somethig for UP. Let the brahmins come forward to start industries in UP BSP government will provide infrastructure for this purpose. Central has to help UP. This way if UP is self reliant, then the life will come to normal This will help other sections of society those who have not vote for BSP! A state like UP shall be o more poor. This is requirement od nation.

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