Guys , Don't be surprised now if U.P become only state implementing quota system that enables " DALIT" people to join medical institutes,IIT's and research institutes, if they can read and write. And some later day an ISRO satellite fell in Indian ocean....reason some BHAI came due to quota system and failed to understand the intricacies..
Don't be surprised if You want to visit TAZ and see a hotel names MAYA next to TAZ or a Factory named TAZ chemicals.
Don't be surprised if a young IAS officer gets slapped in public for she can't abide to barely literate( I call her as her education reflects the way she talks..) MAYA Behan.
Don't be surprised if your son can't get an admission to a school because some of the school he can't get admit because of quota and some of the schools he can't get admit because YOU as loser can't pay as Local Neta ji has payed to the school ...and in turn bagged admission.
Don't be surprised if some poor dies in hospital because of lack of medicine as he can't buy ( this is real incident I have seen ......Dr.'s In a Gov Hospital had put a patient dying due to some serious disease on "Disprin" as that was only they can provide to the dying Lady......lady died hours later.....) State don't have money for poor people . This ill fated state has no money for dying people. But has crores for those who died. .......EK BADA SA PARK USME EK MONSTROUS IDOL of someone.....who died......reason we have to remember him on one day......doesn't matter if year long crow shit cover's it all........
Don't be surprised if your son die's on road accident because of bad road his bike stumbled he was ran over by a speedy truck.........KYA kare ab GOV kaun kauun se kam dekhe...... Itna paisa kaha sadak ban paye... Ab app hi socho...KANYA DHAN mei to bhi paise jana hai........(kaha gaya sab jante hai.........).
Don't be surprised if your town has no electricity for 1 month ( I lived in small town and still face it every summer) . State has no money.........for this.....MANTRI zi......50 car ka cravan.........ka paisa kaha se aata hai GOD knows.......
But I am sure some day would come when all we can do is surprize................IT would have been too late......then...Abhi sab log ME ,MY ,OWN ,mei fase raho.......