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UPA gvot has worng policy to handle JK problem
by Suman Bhat on May 11, 2007 09:59 AM

UPA govt is directionless to handle problem of JK and relations with pakistan. Some of upa ministers are isi agents and their aime is to degrade ind army and jawans and security force. AG noorani and Wajatulla are with paki and so called kashmiri netas are supporting mitlitacy and terrorsm in Jk b'cuc they can looote the crores of Rs from GOI, UPA has made big mistake to reduce the army from the border and accepting 4 points programme of devil musharaf which makes JK an independent muslum state while ind will reamian as colony to provide fainacncial help Joint managagement with paki will curse b'cuz paki rulers and militrary are not trustworthy.
in media jihadies like seema mustafa, naqvis kuldip nayer, baraqa datta, serdessis are working overtime to project pakistani sponser terrorists and kahmsir separtatist leaders are innocent and ind army is eveil. Nobody makes noise about death of jawans and security forces.
kashmiri pundits are butchered and there were granade attack on tourists, labourers, minorites and security forces.
upa minister informed parliment that there are 52 terrrorists training camps in pakistand and untied jihadi council is in POK, and all illegal immigrants who are crossing LOC proclaiming kashimires are given id crads by gulam nabi azad govt to increase vote bank. upa is anit ppl, completye surreneded to militants and shoudl be dismissed.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'J&K being wrongly portrayed'