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by satvinder raulia on May 09, 2007 10:44 AM

"This is a basic of third world country"
When you can not beat leaders in election you gun them down so you might can win.

Hey do not bring poor eligation man listen to your heart you will find out you are telling a lie.

this is what i was talking about people are not just divided they are almost enemy to each other

most of this filth happen if dad is supporter of some party they start teaching their kids filth to gain another party.
hey you should know why Indira Gandhi got killed if you are true Indian.

hey you should know why Rajiv got killed if you are true Indian.

and about NEHRU we should be proud that we got democracy in India.

Look the status of pakistan what political system they are running and compare pakistan with India you will find the diffrence what be called a leadership who died to keep their country UP and COMING for all challenges.

INDIRA GANDHI died because she wanted to keep India united and save state almost being capture by neighbour.

RAJIV GANDHI died because he offer help to fight LTTE.

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