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Election again r u ready
by satvinder raulia on May 09, 2007 07:35 AM

How many time hung assembly.......
if anybody think congress is no than see whats happining.
my comment is not to heart any party or cast i am trying to explain absence of congress and their effects.
when congress was in full power all over the country.
other parties hardly hold any seats in assembly and in parliament.

time changed parties learned to look in vulnerabilities.
slogan start getting stolen
songs got stolen and their sense got stolen
parties start dividing people acourding to vulnerabilties of congress party.

generations has been changed now people can't solved eggs and chicken story.

people are not just divided they are almost enemy to each other.

I have notice where ever there is congress government thing are and were good.

where ever there is no congress goverment is paralized into multi party(hung assembly)

congress now not able to fully control assembly and parliament without people who back BSP.

what BSP have no presence anywhere else in the country accept UP.
Samething with SP

What is good for the country if BSP can support CONGRESS anywhere else in country and Congress can support BSP in UP.

please don't miss understand me if u have question why CONGRESS and BSP.


we will get stable government in states and at center.

Thats for the sake of this country

we can get rid of election again without completion of term.
that can save India billions of dollar.
that can save comunity clashes.
that will bring progress and prestige to our country.

that will run fastest system in India

no matter what party you are in but this is the best solution for country's sake

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
UP: BSP to emerge single largest