Well, to tell you something really important that u mistaken about: In Indonesia no doubt there are many natural disasters, only because GOD wants other people to learn from this and become good god fearing people, do as good wants. Its mentioned in OUR HOLY QURAN, such disasters happen when God wants us to know that God above exists and we should do the right thing, we should learn from such things that are happening all over. (tsunami, earthquakes) secondly there is a news that i heard, dont know how far its true, that a day before the tsunami, millions of muslims converted to christianity, as the christian missionary tried to spread their religion with MONEY, JOBS, HOUSE and FOOD. Poor people did loose their faith for which GODS anger strucked. And the result all know. Muslims dont spread Islam this way, if it was so, evey Indian would have been MUSLIMS. The Mughal Ruled India till the British came over. All the kings would have forced every person in INDIA to be muslims, BUT MY DEAR FRIEND, WE DONT SPREAD ISLAM BY SWORDS, BUT WITH FAITH. Now people are talking about GLOBAL WARMING and all that, its given in the QURAN that such time will come, and it will get worse...
Dont mistaken, atleast Christianity, Jews are mentioned as the religion followed by people word over. As both these religions were made befre ISLAM. God sent down many Prophets before the final Prophet, but as you say "Rise of Hinduism in Muslim Heartland" HINDUISM is not a religion but every INDIAN belonging to the DECCAN RELGION, BELONGING TO THE INDUS VALLEY CIVILISATION, are called HINDUS. its a GROUP not a religion. ISLAM, CHRISTIANITY, Buddhism, JEWISH are religions.