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Congress must apologize
by Sam on May 09, 2007 09:45 AM

Congress must apologize for the following:

1. Creating the Kashmir problem, By not implementing article 376 after independence.

2. Giving an ok to the british to execute Bhagat Singh. Congress was afraid that is Bhagat Singh lives, Congress will loose popular support.

3. Giving details on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose to the British, so that he can be caputured by MI-5 and imprisoned.Congress spread the lie that he died in plane crash.

4. Starting the Hindu-muslim riots in Bhagalpur (80's), Merrut riots(70's), Gujrat riots (70', godhra, Hyderabad riots (89). Thousands of hindus were killed and none was covered by the pseudo media. Muslims were killed too, but it was congress that instigated and supported them.

5. Many Many more reasons, if I keep writing, I will max out the server buffer, hence I will stop.

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BJP won't apologise for CD