First and foremost people should understand that the question is not choosing between the US or Iran. Every country's leaders act for their country's interests so why should we listen to the US or UK or Russia when it is not to our advantage? The US has shown the world how ruthless their leaders are when acting for gain whether this is against international law or even decent human behaviour. This is where diplomacy comes in, we should tell the US to back off and not interfere but make them understand that we do not intend to support war ANYWHERE in the world. If our leaders have any sense they must realize that India CANNOT rely on other countries' good will to survive. We must take a stand and assure our independence in alternative energy, production, whatever. Hasn't China shown the world that without CHina no country can survive? Every single article comes from China, pick up a pen, a computer, a toy, a household gadget, bedsheets, towels, ANYTHING! China can tell the US/UK/Russia anyone to go to hell or else! Why can't we look at our neighbour and learn? The Chinese are hardworking, take pride in the finish of their products or handwork, do research and produce innovative designs and solutions. Within a couple of years their software/IT sector will be so well developed India can kiss all the profits earned goodbye!
Every household in India is producing software engineers, how long before the market reaches saturation? We have always been short-sighted, producing millions of useless doctors and engineers incapable of creating, inventing any new technologies, techniques or processes. Where are we in the world when it comes to innovation? We are living in the bronze age as far as infrastructure, education, social welfare, alternative energy and transportation are concerned. We can fight two week wars against Pakistan and damage them, we didn't even know that the Parliament was going to be attacked! We cannot control the terrorists in the north east, we cannot provide minimum food, shelter or education to our people, who are you fooling? Today the US will tell us to bow, tomorrow Russia will tell us to kneel, day after tomorrow China will make us prostrate ourselves. Is this what we want for our country? What future can we offer to our children? Once a slave always a slave, and from the comments looks like this is the prevailing mentality. Shameful