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AP wants CBI probe into Gujarat fake encounter killings?
by ravishankar singh on May 04, 2007 06:40 AM

hi all,
can you realise that democratic set up and judicial process is for disciplined persons.
these "jehadi terrorist" are using our system to destablise our country in the name of islaam.some are being used as human bombs, some are used to gather finacial support like recent repoerts are that these terrorist are investing money in indian stock market to generate funds.similarly some persons are used to defend these hard core terrorist in the courts by the members of legal field who believe in "Jehadi" ideology. there are other social activist like tista sitalwad who uses indian democracy to protest and defend these terrorist. there are politicians like mulayam singh who defend even simmi like organisations.
in the situation like this if we can not execute the capital punishment of afzal even found guilty by the court how can you imagine that how this country be saved by "jehadi terrorist" ideology's persons and groups.
you people can not understand that so much greater than the gujrat the heineous crimes are there in other state ruled by other parties, no media is repoting like live telecast as it is being done in the case of gujrat and modi.understand that this is the game plan of congress and its supported media like NDTV.

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AP asks for CBI probe