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RE:True Islam
by Sameer on May 03, 2007 10:45 AM

Wow !

What an interpretation of words?

I am Sameer Menon. My Dad a muslim and mom Hindu. I learnt both religions and the words you quote above are actually interpreted for the convenience of people who want to use it.

When Islam was introduced in Arabia, there was lot of opposition and people were trying to kil muslims. In such a situation, they had to fight against thousands of Arabs and to keep the faith in people, to give them moral support, Quran told them that they are in the right path and dont panic. If someone is attacking you juz becoz u believe in something and you are a minority, what u expect your leader to say? Its the same here.

Taxes were paid by all people in the Islam empire, but non muslims refused to pay though enjoyed the same rights as muslims. In such a situation, muslim officials forcefully collected the money. but this money was not kept in the Kings locker, it ws used for helping the poor.

There are lots of examples where non muslims were treated well and allowed to use mosques for prayers. And clearly prophet Mohammed told his followers that Invite others to Islam, if they are not willing, you follow ur faith and let them follow their faith.

Too many quotes about fights? Yes War was a part of Arabian culture and Muslims were slaughtered, so they had to fight and later when it became an Empire with people from different backgrounds, as all other empires did, the Islamic empire also tried to expand.

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