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Reservation policy...
by Rangasamy Vijay on Mar 06, 2007 05:19 PM

It looks as if, the policy of the present govt. is based on vengence against forward community. The policy of the government should be for the economically weaker sections of the pouplation irrespective of the caste/creed/community/religion. My suggestion would be like this...
1.Make primary & secondary schooling compulsory for kids. All free education, if below certain economic scle. Welfare & social organizations can go one step ahead with free mid day meals, books & clothes for poor kids (all tax exempt). All poor OBC/dalits/ minority religion people poor forward community people will be automatically benifited.

2.Improve public school image- the above benifits will be extended only to public school.

3.College education is based on merit only- again subsidized/free fees, meals, etc. etc. for poorer sections.
4. No reservation for employment- based on merit ony.
Where is the room for complaint by any section of the community? If we follow the above I am sure in course of time all the present day policians will have to pack up as they can never harbour on the same issue, decieving the poor. In a democracy no body has a right claim a reward if they under perform in spite of opportunities.
Jai Hind

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