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by deepali grover on Mar 06, 2007 04:43 PM

This is the only way to distribute the sources of great India in complex caste/religion/races system/structure to make every citizen stand on there feet and truely speaking there is marits system are followed in all states of our country in jobs/admissions/promotion etc.only jeck/setting/money/relations/caste/religion ect. are pervailed/are required.If this is the practical system then why not we should distribute all resource on quata bases hence quata should be there in all sections in all field.It is not true on that,this will devide the nation.Caste/religion are the base of our society/country,this can not be ignore any where and even practically people are not accepting without this ,so to raise the head of all citizen mainly poor class/caste, quata should be followed, otherwise a time will come when these people will become so poor and will do all illegal activities which can not be safe for all higer class people.progress should be same on both the wheels of society to make our country progress.this is not vote bank policy,it is the only ways to give them their rights and it is their right also being a citizen of this country.These days every one knows very well where they have to cast their vote,they do not do according to this type of GOVT. steps.if this happened then why in every Gen.election vote bank of congress decreasing and vote bank of BSP increasing.Qauta is not the vote bank issues because poor people want their right by any means.

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SC to decide fate of quota Wed