Common Guys, We cannot anymore take the caste system. This is 21st century.Grow up!! British Raj would not have done so harm as the caste system has done. Could someone explain me how the current political system is any better than British Raj. British raj also used to Divide and Rule and so are the political parties today.Infact the current political parties have groomed up and nurtured under the banner of castes. Appease the hindus, appease the muslims, Appease the Sc's and the ST's, get more and more sub castes into reservation policy to secure votes. I can say that none of the political parties have any character or Morals. Why cant we young people shun this caste system. And we all as one come out with a new political party. We just keep cursing the system. Why can't we change it. Action is needed. Take small action plans like educating a few people in your proximity. Having a discussion with children at senior secondary level, at colleges. Revolutionise the anti caste philosophy. We can do it!!