BJP requires a serious introspection to mend its fence. Every hindu in this country, after having taken so much of beating from pseudo secular forces, ahesits and comic ideologists have come to believe firmly to establish a hindu majority rule - not a hindu state where people are free to practice their religion without fear or favour provided they do it within four walls of their homes and do not resort to all sorts of monkey tricks of conversion etc. BJP can go a long way to establish a firm rule provided they do not fall a prey to present day tactics and harping on worthless issues like Babri Masjid which is not going to uplift the common man on the street. Do away all reservation/quota business and seriuosly consider only those economically weaker to help them out. All these require a dynamic leadership and must be young & vibrant too to accelerate the process. This is the need of the hour for BJP who proclaim to represent the age old hindu heritage. Act now beore it is too late or else all those divisive forces waiting in the corner will trample the great hind religion which has already suffered a millenium of abuse by invaders... Jai Hind