Dear by/AR/epsilon,'Taking the wife of dead brother' was done by aurangzeb when he married dara shikoh's widow,the ukranian jaipuri.Raja Rammohan roy got sati banned.Mahatma gandhi got untouchability banned.So reforms came from within the hindus themselves.ALL relegions in the world have customs which might have been ok when when they were first introduced but became ugly and repugnant with time.Like hindu reformers,christian reformers reformed christianity.A religion undergoes changes as far as customs and practices are concerned.Accept the fact that Islam too has a lot of pratices that need reforms and try to do something about it.Do not say what is written 1300 years back has to be followed to the T.The holy book of every religion (gita,old testament,bible etc) has a touch of divinity but interpretations differ.Try to look inwards for all that is wrong with your religion,wage a spiritual battle within yourselves and purify your fellow believers instead of trying to spread your religion through violence and hatred.