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RE:RE:Foolish people
by Shankar Panday on Jun 15, 2007 08:54 PM

Of course religion can be can be displaced as a personal choice and not a political agenda...Islam is a political agenda, at least fundamentalist Islam is...if religions effect ur life so much then why should u accord it immunity from criticism & scrutiny?? why has islam have to be 'respected' so that u cant even write or draw cartoons without being threatened wiht with life??? The Hollywood movie 'Last Temptation of Christ' showed Jesus in love with Mary Magdalene..people were hurt but no one burnt n threatened...the Jews have been hurt by the holocaust but we dont see Jews lobbing bombs into a church or restaurant in Munich to Rehman sahab religions can be modernized simply if u let people talk and discuss and criticize and praise without enforcing blasphmey laws...lets see u hv the courage to do so!

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