Mr Rehman you need to please separate what motivates or inspires some person to aggressive behaviour rather than citing Hitler as a christian or gujjars as HIndus...none of these examples used any Christian or HIndu inspiration.....LTTE do not qoute chapter & verse of the Geeta to justify their terror tactics...nor are they in the business of establishing Hindu Islam is entirely different..its the only religion where the founder established an Empire - the Caliphate..Jesus did not establish one..nor did Buddha..nor were these religions aspiring to rule the world thru Shariat...therefore please do not categorize all religions in the same mould...Islam is totally has its own laws, its own morals, its economics is constantly at war against anything not Islam...please remember Jesus preached a new religion but he did not break any temples, on the other hand Pr MOhammad destroyed all the idols in the Kaba..why?? he was doing away with al competition..think abt it Rehman sahab !