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RE:Foolish people
by Shankar Panday on Jun 15, 2007 08:39 PM

Dear Epsilon,
The faith based religions originating in the Middle East have hijacked God and personalized him...they made religion competitive & predatory...they claimed they had the 'Only path' to God...You follow Jesus or u r doomed ot hell...Islam is the perfect religion and only Mohammad's ummat will go to this is what messed up mans quest for God...if u think about it this is not about God at all..its about aggressive to hv the answers to an abstract concept of God, divinity..this is what messed up the, Christianity is not a nuisance any more..that has been paid put by reformation in Europe...Islam is the only one right now, and it is past is sell by date as well...its only a matter of time that radical Islam will be totally neutralized and Islam wil be reduced to what Christianity is today...mullahs wont be cutting ice no far as ur question of what religion you should definitely has to be the Realization based spirituality of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shinto or even the abstract Islamic disciplines of Sufism or spiritual Christianity which emphasises more on self elevation rather than dogma !! wish u a good life as a Hindu Epsilon !

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