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RE:Foolish people
by Shankar Panday on Jun 15, 2007 10:09 PM

what kind of logic is this epsilon?? just cuz cancer kills the most doesnt mean people cant die from heart disease? each one has to be dealt in its own demerit...WWWs were caused from different reasons and ppl tried to identify them and so we build UN, the Marshal plans came into effect, diplomacy got a shot in the arm..the poit is ppl made efforts..the issue on the table today is Islam - and the irrational behavior it causes among a section of its followers..if u hv the courage you will face the problem directly..or u can prefer to beat around the bush and digress & go into denial..either way the problem will be solved in due course..unfortunately wid lot of chaos..remember Epsilon the idea whose tiem has come will which is gone is gone...

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