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Quite a liberation!
by unni krishnan nair on Jun 15, 2007 02:50 PM

'Goa was liberated from Portuguese rule on December 19, 1961 after 450 years.'

Given a choice how many Goans would welcome a Portugese rule as opposed to Indian rule?

To find the answer you have to visit a place called Swindon in England? Wonder why?

There is a strong presence of Goan community here prompting an official of the local Holy Rood church Monsignor Twomy to say *We have quite a big immigrant community coming into the town from Goa, and that must have swelled our congregation*.

This is the case of many cities in UK. There has been a influx of Goans into many EEC countries.

Nothing unusual in this. Many citizens from many states go abroad.

All these young Goans are fortunate enough to come here and enjoy a better life using their PORTIGESE Passport. I am told by my Goan friends here that thousands of people are still waiting to get a Portugese passport back home to try their luck in UK.

That is to say given a choice Goans want to embrace the Portugese rule and throw away the proxy(Italian) rule from Delhi.

That of course could be true of other people of other states too if it can improve their life.

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Goa to celebrate Revolution Day