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RE:The Govt. Shud Be Sacked
by Gautam Joshi on Aug 01, 2007 10:27 AM

Rightly said George...its always good to see and know that people who have done such a high degree of evil deeds are getting punished...
I dont understand and somebody can please explain to me...why the hell people in the film industry are favouring this culprit(sanjay dutt)!!! really are they nuts...if one of these idiot film industry people's son or daughter or relative would have died, these say film industry people would not have even felt like spitting at this man!!! same man they are siding today...just cuz not a hair of theirs has been bend by the blasts!!! but yes after sanjay getting sentenced, they all have got shivers in their spine to some degree if not to full this gives them a lesson that yes even by 1% if not for 1% they too can be behind bars if they have connections with the underworld!...but still its to be seen whether sanjay is really going to get the 6yrs in jail or not from the supreme court...and even if he does get 6 yrs jail how it is going to be implemented practically when he is in jail...whether after 6 months things will be relaxed or not at his end in jail??? those things are yet to be seen...lastly, there are so many people doing wrongs in this world are scot free...but we all can only hope that destiny has punishments in store for them in one form or the other donw the road for these people...sometimes life does seem unfair...its a challenge for sure...

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Sanjay's kin meet him in jail