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RE:Pray God.!
by indianfire on Jul 31, 2007 08:08 PM

Hello excuse me , Mr me nu.

i don't have to change my . because i am an indian. 2ndly , i don't go after stardom. my argument was sanju posessed weapons and he did suffer for that . he was not involved in blasts. he was not in conspiracy as well. which shows he was not aware of dawood was planning and some thing Mr. haneef was linked with his family brother who commited crime. ok. when judge said he was not involved in TADA act. then he sentenced him on possessing arms fair enough. he did spent some time in jail. he was on bail for 14 years. living life under scrutiny and obeying court when ever he was demanded. he changed his way of life and he maintained his life in a good way. helping people around.

the court do have to see his social attitude. why the naxalities are called saying u surrender we promise you to give normal life. does that make any sense.

he had his share of punishment and to me it seems to be a bit harsh punishment, this time. it should have been a bit lenient

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Sanjay's kin meet him in jail