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RE:Not satisfied
by ALLEN DSOUZA on Jul 31, 2007 08:01 PM

I would say that if he knew about the blast and didnt inform , he was a bigger terrorist and given less punishment. If he didnt know and as he says wanted a AK 56, for protection only, then the punishment is correct since the gun is a automatic machine gun. One shot and many bullets could kill so many ppl . Just think about it. Dont see him as a star or an image that he creates. He is the one unfortunate for him, that he is caught. There must be so many ppl. For that matter, what do u say about lal krishna advani and the vhp who openly kill ppl thru their do u describe them. Tell me ur opinion about them. how should they be treated ? Its easy to say things emotionally. but punishment is given by evidence. and where evidence is not there, by circumstancial corroborative evidence. Imagine the pressure on Mr. Kode to give his judgement

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Sanjay's kin meet him in jail