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RE:It's Ok!!
by Pradeep Kothiyal on Jul 31, 2007 07:13 PM

Abdulla,are u a man or donkey?Actually the truth is that the way you write it shows not only the fact that u dont know how to wrt in english at the same time you dont have a human mind to think.
We and our nation salutes the heros like APJ Kalam and you guys worship Afjal,MF hussain kinda freaky fellows..and that makes a difference between you and rest of humanity.
You guys sport AK -47 and feel pride..
Is it the right time to support hindu extremism to counter your question?
bottom line is u commit any crime and you will be forgiven just for the sake that u belongs to minority community or there are few donkeys sitting in parliament favouring u..
Think again ...the time has come now and the step which India mist have taken are in action by US..
India is weakend by the forces like u..
Would u like to die in a bomb blast where these so called minorities plants the bombs?

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'A historic moment for the CBI'