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Just thinking..
by Sanjay Baxi on Jul 27, 2007 04:17 PM

I am against the death penalty, and I strongly believe no country should have this mediaval rule. I also think that putting someone in jail for ever is a harsher punishment. I am sure I am not alone in believing this, there are lot of people in this world who think like me. There are many countries like Europe where death sentence is abolished and there countries like USA, China and middle east it is still there.
Punishing someone to death is like taking revenge to what that person has done and certainly it is not state's duty to take revenge. WHile I am opposing death sentence, I should not be mistaken to to soft towards the culprits, they can be given sentences like 100 years of imprisonment without parole. I am sure I will get many replies to this message, and many of them should be abusive.....

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Memons' sentence over in 40 mts