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by shaik hussain on Jul 25, 2007 02:58 PM

Now we have people who commit crime and get away so easily before law without a witness.
What happened to the person who filed her passport? to the person who issued her a passport? Are they all dead??

We also have people in Tollywood and Bollywood who are now pouring offers for this lady don!!!. Crazy people.

If this is the state even Salem would come out clean and would join politics. Then Dawood will comedown and become President. He has already declared that he will soon be sending his brothers to India. Can anyone imagine how much of destruction they would do and get away without any witness(who would turn hostile for the sake of their lives)

Are we Indians so shameless that we are letting these criminals so easily and with honour?? Whats wrong with our constitution??

Why are the poor and common man punished then for life term just for killing 1 person or stealing things when such gangsters are let loose even after killing scores??

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Monica Bedi released from jail