No, I will need at least one month to cleanse the system: If I get the opportunity to do that 1) I will declare martial law or emergency and first order immediate arrest and punishement for corrupted leaders including politicians whoever that may be. It will only takes two days time. 2) All illegal money and unaccountable wealth to be taken back to Govt. Treasuray. 3) Order for National Curriculum for education. 4) Throwout reservation system on caste/religion basis and instead adopt economic based reservation. 5) Sign agreement for linking rivers throughout the country. 6) Police force to be revamped and will be re-structured on people oriented basis. 7) Stringent punishement on law enforcing agencies who violates laws of the land. 8) All pending cases in courts will be heard within two weeks and finished its verdicts except extreme dangerous cases. 9) Will not tolerate religion to control administration and no appeasements to any religion / caste or color. 10) Taxation system to be strengthend and corrupted tax officials will be immediately dismissed and maximum punishement will be imposed on them. 11) Will makes law to debar foreign nationals to occupy any administrative or political posts. 12) Will makes law to make compulsory to study local languages and national language and national language will be declared as official language of India and India's name will be changed as HINDUSTAN or BHARAT. Bharat is most suitable. Continue....