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RE:King of India
by wani bhardwaj on Jul 25, 2007 12:23 PM

13) Will debar people to occupy more than two buildings. Will start govt. hostels and guest houses every major cities and towns.
14) Illegal transportation and overoading of vehicles should be strictly prohibited. Public Transporation facilities will be strengthed by allowing private transporters to ply vehicles on the govt. rates or gets more buses for smo0th transportation.
15) Election rules will be amended wherein no national parties will be allowed to contest state elections and state parties to contest national elections. National political parties will be limited to two or three.
16) Election laws will be changed so that elections for state assemblies and parliament can be made sim ultaneosuly. The duration of parliament and assemblies will be continue to fix at 5 years, but no elections in between.
17) MLAs or MPs can makes conscience votes on any laws except money bills and there will not be any whips. If anybody wants to resign from any party, he/she can, but the posts will be immediately filled.
18) New land reforms act will be implemented wherein there will be limits to occupy lands for any individuals.
These are the small things which I wants to do, if I gets a chance to become a king of India for one month.

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