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RE:World is global village !
by Sangi on Jul 23, 2007 10:52 AM

yes, History say that Lord Jesus Christ visited India(Kashmir). Even Christians (real original Catholics) strongly believe in peace. Buddhism is totally believed in peace. You cn see many parts in India people trubl many Christian for working / helping poor and same people are killed by saying conversion. I do agree that some Christians (group) do this and spoil the whole Christian community. None of the conversation takes place in any christens institutes, which are run by catholic. So may politicians and great people Indians studied in Christian institutes and same people says wrong about Christian. I am not blaming any one, but media has to pass the massage who is doing al this. Its like all terrorists are muslins, but all Muslims are not terrorist. Why we have to blame Muslims. ALSO like there are many Hindu brothers respect Christians and Muslims in India, but media highlights that Hindus have done it. Why all this. ? Let ur India become super power with good culture and peaceful people,

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