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taliban,pakistan ,muslims and indians.
by Rhazes Ashrawi on Jul 23, 2007 06:41 AM

Why are hindus in india bear so much hate for muslims.Not all muslims are bad people. In fact i find them charming helpful and loyal in friendship. If u r in some kind of financial trouble abroad the pakistani will be the first to help you out when compared to our indian people who are unreliable cunning and cowardly.The daily comments on this forum is so much anti muslim.The moderator doesnt seem to mind it.The opinion of these people who write this narrow minded prejudiced and racist thoughts only goes to show how low our countrymen have descended.They seem to descend onthe muslms like vultures.Sometimes its mohd haneef,or taliban or just any muslim.Islam should be compulsory taught in every hindu school and university in a honest way so that postive notions and knowledge could be got and a healthy climate and relationship could be developed.I think all hindus are quite ignorant of islam as a religion and their opinions are very simplistic and basic.This is not a good sign for a country that calls itself democratic.Also not good for a country that has a population of 140m million muslims.In the us and the uk and other european countries islam is taught as a subject in most universities.these countries are far civilised and at least try to learn about other cultures and people.Lets hope for the best.

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Pak:20 pro-Taliban ultras killed