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by SUBRAMANYAM on Jul 18, 2007 12:54 AM

You are correct with regard to the first 4 paras. with regard to the 5th, it is not possible in India as long as the present congress and communist parties mislead the people whose only agenda is to hurt,humiliate the majority HINDU sentiments and always support muslim league and hard core muslim fundamentalists like mullahs,buharis etc. as if the Indian muslims are really suffering in India at the hands of other communities. In fact it is Hindus who require support and more freedom of religion. The remedy would be to impose uniform civil code - law for all the citizens of India and no special previlages to follow their own law for certain relgion. If muslims want to adopt their shariat laws then the punishments as applicable for other crimes as per their quran should be implemented. Why they are accepting soft punishments as per general law? So, which ever, what ever, it suits to their conveneience they will accept. We need an Iron man like VALLABH BHAI PATEL to contain the present day evils in our HOLY MOTHER LAND. LONG LIVE HINDUSTAN.

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Blast injures 15 in J&K